Get Expert assisted FOSCOS registration
- Applicability of FOSCOS registration, state license or central license.
- Register Food Business ₹ 1499/- only (All inclusive)
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What is Food License or FOSCOS?
“With effect from 1st November 2020, FSSAI has launched Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS) replacing Food Licensing and Registration System (FLRS). Now the compliance system of FOSCOS registration, state license and central license has been changed.”
The FSSAI stands for Food Standards and Safety Authority of India, which is the supreme authority responsible for regulating and supervising food safety. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a legal authority that offers a food license to all food business operators (FBO) in India.
With expert assistance from Rupee Investing, get an FSSAI license in the quickest possible way in only 4 simple steps –
- Guidance on selecting the food license types (Based on Turnover and Food Business.)
- Verification of your FSSAI registration documents.
- Filing your online FSSAI application.
- Procurement of FSSAI food licence.
As per the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, FSSAI Food License is compulsory to obtained before commencing any food business by any legal entity involved in handling food items be it Manufacturing, Repacking, Re-labeling, Storage, Warehousing, Transporting, Supplying, Wholesaling, Marketing (Trading), Retailing, E-commerce (Online sale of food), Exporting, Importing, Catering, Having Canteen, Dhaba, Restaurants, Hotels etc.
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Types of FOSCOS/FSSAI registration
Foscos registration or license is mandatory for all food businesses involved in manufacturing, trade/retail, food services, importer, exporter, mid-day meal, e-commerce etc. Below category wise table will help you to understand which registration or license is applicable to your organization:
Sr No | Manufacturing Unit | FoSCoS Registration | FoSCoS State License | FoSCoS Central License |
1 | *Dairy units | upto 500 LPD of milk or upto 2.5 MT of milks solids per annum | 501 to 50,000 LPD of milk or upto 2.5 to 2,500 MT of milk solids per annum | More than 50,000 litres of liquid milk/day or more than 2,500 MT of milk solids per annum |
2 | *Vegetable oil & processing units | Turnover up to 12 lakhs/annum | upto 2 MT per day and turnover above 12 lakhs | more than 2 MT per day |
3 | *Slaughtering units | Poultry Birds | Small Animals | Large Animals |
4 | *Meat processing units | Turnover up to 12 lakhs/annum | upto 500 kg meat per day or 150 MT per annum | more than 500 kg of meat per day or 150 MT per annum |
5 | *Food or Health Supplements & Nutraceuticals etc | NA | NA | Central license only |
Summary of manufacturing units:
*Dairy units: Dairy processing means handling, processing, manufacturing, packing, storing, distribution & transportation of milk and milk products.
*Vegetable oil & processing units: Vegetable Oil processing means processing of vegetables to produce vegetable oils by the process of solvent extraction/expeller and refining including oil expeller units.
*Slaughtering units: Slaughtering means a process of transporting, stunning, butchering, dressing, processing, storing & distribution of live animals/poultry birds.
*Meat processing units: Meat processing means further processing of slaughtered animals/poultry birds into meat & meat products, packaging, storing & transportation of meat & meat products.
Fish processing means handling, processing of fish, manufacturing of fish products, packing, storing, distribution & transportation of fish & fish products.
*Food or Health Supplements & Nutraceuticals etc: [As per Food Safety and Standards (food or Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Foods for Special Dietary uses, Foods for Special Medical Purpose, Functional Foods, and Novel Food) Regulations, 2016].
Sr No | Food Service | FoSCoS Registration | FoSCoS State License | FoSCoS Central License |
1 | *Petty Retailer of snacks/tea shops | Basic registration only | NA | NA |
2 | *Hawker (Itinerant/Mobile food vendor) | Basic registration only | NA | NA |
3 | *Restaurants | Turnover up to 12 lakhs/annum | Turnover up to 20 crores/annum | Turnover greater than 20 crores/annum |
4 | *Food Vending Establishment | Turnover up to 12 lakhs/annum | Turnover more than 12 lakhs/annum | NA |
5 | *Club/Canteen | Turnover up to 12 lakhs/annum | Turnover more than 12 lakhs/annum | NA |
6 | *Caterer | NA | Turnover up to 20 crores/annum | Turnover more than 20 crores/annum |
7 | *Hotel | Turnover up to 12 lakhs/annum | *One Star, Two Star or non-Star Rating having turnover more than 12 lakhs/annum. *Three Star or Four Star (Ministry of Tourism Certificate require) | Five star and above (Ministry of Tourism Certificate require) |
Summary of Food Services:
*Petty Retailer of Snacks/tea shops: Temporary or fixed stall or food premise involved in preparation, storage, distribution and sales of food products that can be served as a snacks/tea/coffee and similar variants.
*Hawker (Itinerant/Mobile food vendor): Selling packaged or freshly prepared food by travelling (usually on foot or movable carts) from one location to other.
*Restaurants: Restaurant is a type of food service operation which prepares, serves food and drinks to customers in exchange for money, Meals are generally served and eaten on the premises, but many restaurants also offers take-our and food delivery services, and some offer only take-out and delivery.
*Food Vending Establishment:
Dhaba: Food service establishment generally located near roadside/highway involved in processing, storing, packaging and selling of food to customers for consumption.
Boarding Houses Serving Food: A building providing food and lodging for paying guest.
Banquet Halls with food catering arrangements: A specified area such as hall which is used for the purpose of hosting parties/ceremonies involved in preparation and serving of food to customers for consumptions.
Home Based Canteens/Dabba Wallas: An individual or establishment involved in distribution of packed meals (usually packed lunch) from food service establishments such as home based caterer or restaurants to customers.
Permanent/Temporary Stall Holder: A stand/booth/compartment/small covered area being used for preparation and/or sale of freshly prepared or packaged food for consumption. This structure maybe temporary or permanent (fixed).
Food stalls/Arrangements in religious gatherings/fairs etc: A stand/booth/compartments/small small covered area being used for preparation and/or sale of freshly prepared or packaged food being offered as prasad in religious institution.
*Club/Canteen: Canteen or Cafeteria is dining area in an institution/establishment serving food (being prepared in the premises or procured from other location or source) to individuals associated with or visiting the institution.
*Caterer: Food Service Establishment involved in preparation and serving food for consumption of a group of individuals working or visiting office of railways.
*Hotel: Hotel is a commercial establishment providing lodging, meals, and other guest services.
In general, to be called a hotel, an establishment must have a minimum of six letting bedrooms, at least three of which must have attached (ensuite) private bathrooms facilities.
E-commerce also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute the transactions. Ecommerce is often used to refer to the sale of physical products online, but it can also describe any kind of commercial transaction that is facilitated through the internet.
“E-commerce covered under Central License”, no basic registration or state license is applicable on the basis of turnover.
Benefits of Online FSSAI Registration License.
- In India, The food license/registration is required to run a food product business.
- Getting food registration license ensures hygiene and cleanliness and regulations are followed as it is govern by “Food safety and standards Act, 2006”.
- After registration under FSSAI, FBO (Food business operator) will be issued a Certificate number/License number which can be used on products, automatically improve the Goodwill and Trust of customers.
- FSSAI registration is required to all Food business operators, even a petty retailer, hawker, juice stalls, sweets shops etc. If not complied with, imprisonment and fine upto Rs. 5 Lakh is applicable.
Food License/ FSSAI registration license Package
₹ 1,499/-
(All Inclusive)
For 1 Year.
(Annual Turnover is upto Rs. 12 lakh)
(Small food business, petty retailers, Juice shops & Hawkers)
- FSSAI Registration Certificate.
- Dedicated FSSAI Consultant.
- Includes Govt. fees.
₹ 2,499/-
(All Inclusive)
For 1 Year.
(Annual Turnover is between Rs. 12 lakh and upto Rs. 20 crores)
(Restaurants, hotels, food transporters, manufacturers, distributors & retailers)
- FSSAI State License.
- Dedicated FSSAI Consultant.
- Excludes Govt. fees.
₹ 3,499/-
(All Inclusive)
For 1 Year.
(Annual Turnover is above Rs. 20 crores).
(5 star hotels, large food transporters, manufacturers, distributors and retailers)
- FSSAI Central License.
- Dedicated FSSAI Consultant.
- Excludes Govt. fees.
Documents Required For FSSAI Registration/license
FSSAI Registration
- Photo of Food Business Operator.
- Document for Identity Proof like Ration Card, Voter ID Card, PAN Card, Driving License, Passport, Aadhar Card, Senior Citizen Card, Department Issued ID.
- Supporting Documents (if any):- NOC by Municipality or Panchayat, Health NOC.
- All documents should be self- attached.
FSSAI State License
- Form-B duly completed and signed (in duplicate) by the proprietor, partner or the authorised signatory.
- Blueprint or layout plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions in metres or square metres and operation-wise area allocation (mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only).
- List of directors, partners, executive members of society or trust with full address and contact details (mandatory for companies only)
- Name and list of equipment and machinery along with the number, installed capacity and horsepower used (mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only)
- Identity and address proof issued by Government authorities for proprietor, partner, director(s) or authorised signatory
- List of food category desired to be manufactured. (In case of manufacturers)
- Authority letter with name and address, the responsible person, nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative responsible person indicating the powers vested with them viz assisting the officers in inspections, collection of samples, packing & dispatch (for manufacturers or processors)
- Analysis report (Chemical & Bacteriological) of water to be used as an ingredient in food from a recognized or public health laboratory to confirm the portability (mandatory only for manufacturing and processing units)
- Proof of possession of premises. (sale deed, rent agreement or electricity bill, etc.)
- Partnership deed, affidavit of proprietorship or Memorandum and Articles of Association towards the constitution of the firm. (optional)
- FSSAI Self-declaration for proprietorships
- A copy of the certificate obtained under Coop – 1861 or Multi-State Coop Act – 2002 in case of cooperatives
- NOC and copy of the license from the manufacturer (mandatory for relabellers and repackers only)
- Declaration and undertaking by Food Business Operator
- Food Safety Management System Plan or certificate.
- Source of milk or procurement plan for milk including the location of milk collection centres (in case of Milk and Milk Products processing).
- Sources of raw material for meat and meat processing plants.
- Pesticide residues report of water in case of units manufacturing packaged drinking water, packaged mineral water or carbonated water from a recognized public health laboratory.
- Recall plan wherever applicable.
- NOC from a municipality or local body.
- Form IX: Nomination of persons by a company along with the board resolution
- Certificate provided by the Ministry of Tourism.
- For transporters – Self-declaration of the number of vehicles.
- Declaration form – For Delhi or Himachal Pradesh.
FSSAI Central License
- Form- B completed and signed by the Proprietor or Partner or Authorized Signatory.
- Blueprint/layout of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only).
- List of Directors / Partner / Proprietor / Executive Members of Society / Trust with full address and contact details (Mandatory for Companies only).
- Name and list of equipments and machinery along with the number, installed capacity and horse power used (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only).
- Photo identification and address proof issued by the Government for Proprietor / Partner / Director(s) / Authorized Signatory (Optional).
- List of food category desired to be manufactured. (For manufactures only).
- Authority letter with name and address of responsible person nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative responsible person indicating the powers vested with them viz assisting the officers in inspection, collection of samples, packing and dispatch. (For manufacturers and processors).
- Analysis report (Chemical & Bacteriological) of water to be used as ingredient in food from a recognized / public health laboratory to confirm the portability. (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units).
- Proof of possession of premises (Sale deed / Rental Agreement / Electricity Bill) (Optional).
- Partnership Deed or Declaration for Proprietorship or MOA & AOA along with Certificate of Incorporation and List of Directors with address. In case of Company, three pages must be uploaded: First Page – Certificate of Incorporation, Second Page – Authorization of food business activity and Third Page – List of Directors with addresses).
- Copy of certificate obtained under Coop Act – 1861 / Multi State Coop Act – 2002 in case of Cooperatives. (If applicable).
- NOC & Copy of License from manufacturer (Mandatory for Relabellers and Repackers).
- Food Safety Management System Plan or Certificate (if any).
- Source of milk or procurement plan for milk including location of milk collection centres in case of milk and milk products processing units. (if applicable).
- Source of raw material for meat and meat processing plants. (if applicable).
- Pesticide residues report of water in case of units manufacturing packaged drinking water, packaged mineral water and/or carbonated water from a recognized / public health laboratory.
- Recall plan wherever applicable, with details on whom the product is distributed (optional).
- NOC from Municipality or Local Body (optional).
- Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU.
- Supporting documentary proof of turnover.
- NOC/PA documents issued by FSSAI.
- IE Code document issued by DGFT.
- FSSAI Form IX: Nomination of Persons by a Company along with the Board Resolution.
- Certificate provided by Ministry of Tourism (HRACC). (Mandatory for Hotels).
- Documentary proof of turnover or self declaration of number of vehicles (Mandatory for Transporters).
- FSSAI Declaration Form.
Online FSSAI Registration License Process

Check documents checklist by dedicated FSSAI Consultant

Creation of Account on FOSCOS portal (FSSAI portal before 01.Nov.2020)

Filling of ‘Form-A or B’ (as applicable) with proper documents attachment