Online Producer Company Registration

Producer company in India under Companies act, 2013

In India, around 60% of population depends on agricultural activities for their livelihood. But, farmers and primary dealers have had a long struggle in India. In the chairmanship of Dr. YK Alagh, they have introduced a producer company concept that allowed primary producers to organise themselves to gain a maximum profit from the market oriented economy.

A producer company is basically a legally recognized body of farmers/ agriculturists with the aim to improve the standard of their living. Producer company objects or activities specified in Law and categorized in following manner:

  • Production, harvesting, processing, procurement, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling, export of *primary produce of the Members or import of goods or services for their benefit.
  • Rendering technical services, consultancy services, training, education, research and development for the promotion of the interests of its Members.
  • Generation, transmission and distribution of power, revitalization of land and water resources, their use, conservation and communications relatable to primary produce.
  • Promoting mutual assistance, welfare measures, financial services, insurance of producers or their primary produce.

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Registering a Producer company has following characteristics:
  • Separate Legal entity.
  • Any 10 or more producers (Individuals) can join together to form a production company but there is no upper limit on the number of members.
  • Or, any 2 or more producer institutions can form a producer company.
  • Use of “Producer Company Limited” at the end of the name.
  • There should be minimum 5 directors (maximum of 15) in a producer company.
  • Producer company can only have “Equity Shares”.

Benefits Of Registration Of Producer Company

Separate Legal entity

The producer company has a separate legal entity. The company can deal in its own name and own the properties. The Directors/members of a producer company have no obligation to the lenders of a producer company.

Tax Benefits

Income tax act does not essentially provide any tax benefits to the producer company but if there is kind of agricultural activity carried out, 100% deduction to the companies is applicable if they are registered as a producer company.

Members benefit

Initially, the member of the producer company will receive a produce pooled together. This amount will be given out later in the form of cash/ kind/ equity shares.

Loans and Investments

Individuals are the members of Producer company, in need they get financial support time to time. Hence, a special provision under the companies act was passed for giving loans to producer members.

Producer Company Registration Package


₹ 24,999/- 

(All Inclusive)
  • 10 Digital Signature- Class: 2 for 2 Years.
  • 10 Director Identification Number.
  • Name approval.
  • Stamp Duty upto Rs. 10 Lakh Capital.
  • COI (Certificate of Incorporation).
  • E-PAN.
  • E-TAN.
  • MOA & AOA.
  • Bank Account.
  • Commencement of Business. Form 20A.


₹ 34,499/-

(All Inclusive)
  • 10 Digital Signature- Class: 2 for 2 Years.
  • 10 Director Identification Number.
  • Name approval.
  • Stamp Duty upto Rs. 10 Lakh Capital.
  • COI (Certificate of Incorporation).
  • E-PAN.
  • E-TAN.
  • MOA & AOA.
  • Bank Account.
  • Commencement of Business certificate.
  • GST Registration.
  • GST Return for 6 months.
  • TDS Return for 6 months.
  • Book keeping/Accounting for 6 months.


₹ 39,999/-

(All Inclusive)
  • 10 Digital Signature- Class: 2 for 2 Years.
  • 10 Director Identification Number.
  • Name approval.
  • Stamp Duty upto Rs. 10 Lakh Capital.
  • COI (Certificate of Incorporation).
  • E-PAN.
  • E-TAN.
  • MOA & AOA.
  • Bank Account.
  • Commencement of Business.
  • Auditor Appointment for 1 Year.
  • 1 Year TDS Return.
  • 1st Year Income Tax Return filing.
  • Audit Report certified by CA.

Documents Required For Producer Company Registration

Directors/members Document
  • Photograph of partners.
  • PAN card of partners.
  • Address proof of partners (Aadhar Card/Voter ID/Driving License).
  • Address proof of registered office (Electricity Bill/Water Bill/Telephone Bill).
  • Profit sharing ratio between partners.
Producer Company Registered Office Documents
  • Rent Agreement or Lease Deed or NOC of Registered office address.
  • Electricity bill/Water Bill/Telephone Bill not older than 2 months.

Producer Company Registration Process

Reserve Unique Name
Obtain DSC
Submission of Documents & form
Get Producer Company Registration Documents.
Start your business activity.