Online Income Tax Return filing

What Is Income Tax Return (Itr)?​

All persons who are individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUF’s), companies, firms, LLP, association of persons, body of individuals, local authority and any other artificial juridical person are required to file a Return of its income annually. Everyone who earns or gets an income in India is subject to income tax whether Resident or Non-resident.

An Income tax return (ITR) is a form used to file information about your income and tax to the Income Tax Department. The tax liability of a taxpayer is calculated based on his or her income.

For simpler classification, the Income Tax Department breaks down income into five heads:

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Heads of incomeDescription of nature of income
Income from SalaryIncome from salary and pension are covered under this head.
Income from Business and ProfessionAs name suggest income from business or profession. Like: Person is Self-employed, contractor, Doctor, Freelancer, Shop Owner, Lawyers, Tuition Teachers, Property Dealer.
Income from House PropertyRental income from House covered under this head.
Income from Capital GainsIncome generated from sale of Shares, mutual funds, property, Land.
Income from Other SourcesInterest received from Saving Bank, Fixed Deposit (FD).

Is It Mandatory To File Income Tax Return (Itr)?

As per the Income tax laws, it is compulsory to file income tax returns if your income is more than the basic exemption limit. The income tax rate is pre-decided for taxpayers. 

Income Tax Return Filing (Itr) Package


₹ 499/- 

(All Inclusive)
  • ITR-1 filing of Salaried Individual.
  •  Computation of Income.


₹ 999/-

(All Inclusive)
  •  ITR filing of Proprietorship business/profession on presumptive basis.
  •  Computation of Income.
For all other ITR filing

Which ITR Should I File?

ITR FormsDescription of ITR Forms
ITR-1Resident Individuals having income < Rs. 50 Lakhs from:
⦁ Salary/Pension
⦁ Other Sources
⦁ One house property
ITR-2Income from:
⦁ Every income from ITR-1 > Rs. 50 Lakhs
⦁ Capital Gain
⦁ More the One house property
⦁ Foreign Income/Foreign asset
-Holding directorship in a company
-Holding unlisted equity shares
ITR-3Income from:
⦁ Every income from ITR-2
⦁ Business/Profession
⦁ Partners in a firm
⦁ Presumptive income> Rs. 50 Lakhs
ITR-4Every income from ITR-1.
Presumptive income from business/profession
⦁ Salary/Pension
⦁ Other Sources
⦁ One house property
Total income upto Rs. 50 Lakhs
ITR-5ITR-5 form applicable to:
⦁ Firms
⦁ LLPs (Limited liability partnership)
⦁ AOPs (Association of Persons)
⦁ BOIs (Body of Individuals)
ITR-6Companies not claiming exemption under section 11
ITR-7Persons/Companies under:
⦁ Section 139(4A)
⦁ Section 139(4B)
⦁ Section 139(4C)
⦁ Section 139(4D)

Which ITR Should I File?

Income Tax Return (ITR) forms are specified by Income Tax Department. Income tax return is a forms  in which the taxpayers file information about his income earned and tax applicable to the income tax department. The department has notified 7 various forms i.e. ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR 3, ITR 4, ITR 5, ITR 6 & ITR 7 till date. The detailed description of ITR forms are given below:

ITR FormsDescription of ITR Forms
ITR-1Resident Individuals having income < Rs. 50 Lakhs from:
⦁ Salary/Pension
⦁ Other Sources
⦁ One house property
ITR-2Income from:
⦁ Every income from ITR-1 > Rs. 50 Lakhs
⦁ Capital Gain
⦁ More the One house property
⦁ Foreign Income/Foreign asset
-Holding directorship in a company
-Holding unlisted equity shares
ITR-3Income from:
⦁ Every income from ITR-2
⦁ Business/Profession
⦁ Partners in a firm
⦁ Presumptive income> Rs. 50 Lakhs
ITR-4Every income from ITR-1.
Presumptive income from business/profession
⦁ Salary/Pension
⦁ Other Sources
⦁ One house property
Total income upto Rs. 50 Lakhs
ITR-5ITR-5 form applicable to:
⦁ Firms
⦁ LLPs (Limited liability partnership)
⦁ AOPs (Association of Persons)
⦁ BOIs (Body of Individuals)
ITR-6Companies not claiming exemption under section 11
ITR-7Persons/Companies under:
⦁ Section 139(4A)
⦁ Section 139(4B)
⦁ Section 139(4C)
⦁ Section 139(4D)

Benefits Of ITR Filing

  • Easy Loan Approval.
  • Income and Address proof.
  •  Carry-Forward of Losses.
  • Help in Visa processing.
  •  Avoid penalties.