E-filing portal 2.0, Income tax new portal.

features, glitches & suggestions: a barrier of new income tax portal

After a 7 day under maintenance of new income tax portal. The new income tax portal was launched on June 7, 2021. Tax professionals, Accountants and industry have big expectations from the new portal but migration doesn’t go as planned.

What were the expected features of new Income tax portal?

It was expected and promised to have a user friendly and ease to use income tax portal. For this, Infosys was in 2019 awarded a contract to develop the next generation income tax filing system. It was also called a new ITR e-filing portal 2.0.

Some of the features that were expected before launch of the income tax new portal:

  • Enhanced user experience
  • Easy to use
  • Dashboard hosting all actions items
  • A user friendly & dynamic interface
  • E-filing experience smoother, simpler & smarter

The new income tax portal www.incometax.gov.in, which the tax department as well as the government said was aimed at making compliance more taxpayer-friendly.

Glitches, criticism & suggestions

 The new Income tax e-filing portal 2.0 went live at 8:45 pm on 7th June, 2021. The government and tax department has welcome and congratulate everyone in occasion of launching a new income tax portal. Such a huge celebration on twitter was like department and government has even not taken trial of the new income tax portal.

Even a week after its launch users continued to face technical glitches/issues like longer than usual logging time, unable to view past e-filed returns and inability to respond to notices.

Due to technical glitches faced by users in the filing of Income tax forms 15CA (Payment to non-residents/Foreign remittance) and 15CB (Certificate issued by Accountant), the ministry extended the timeline to submit the two forms till 30 June, 2021.

Twitter has flooded with criticism over government and as well as the tax department.

After high level of criticism and major issues faced by taxpayers and professionals FinMin officials will meet the Infosys and vendors on June 22 to discuss the glitches of income tax e-filing portal. Ahead of its meeting the Finance Ministry has also invited suggestions with respect to the glitches on the new income tax portal. The Finance Ministry office invited representations on ‘[email protected] by June 18, 2021.

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August 23, 2021

“Finance Minister and Infosys had a meeting to seek clarity on the issues being faced. Finance Minister has allowed time up to September 15, 2021 for removing all the errors & glitches from the new Income tax portal”